Hoot #1
This week we had a special surprise at our school during a faculty meeting. Our superintendent came to our school to award us medals for "Raising the Bar". We were recognized for increasing student performance in 5 out of 7 proficiency/growth categories during the 2017-2018 school year. Our school was one of 11 schools to meet this criteria in our district! It was a GREAT day to be a GATOR!! We are so proud of all of the hard work and dedication of every single staff member and student! It was a great reminder of why we do what we do and the difference we make every day!
Hoot #2
At this same faculty meeting, something else happened that has NEVER happened in all of our years of teaching! We all entered the room knowing we were going to have to do some type of group activity...and let's face it, we all are tired after school and don't want to go to a meeting, much less be forced to do a group activity! If you are a teacher, we know you totally get what we are saying! Instead, our principals announce here is your Selfie Scavenger Hunt checklist, you have 15 minutes to find your partner and GO! Teachers were running, making a mad dash to find their partners and were going in all directions! You could hear running feet and laughter all through the halls of the school. Some students were at school for play practice, and they kept watching teachers in awe as we ran by laughing and having a good time. It was PRICELESS! We get so bogged down with the hustle and bustle of everything that has to be done, that we only have time to say "Good Morning" to each other and we keep going. We got to know and to hang out with another teacher that we normally wouldn't get the chance to hang with...and it was a great time had by all!!
This Week's Holler...
This week's holler goes out to Tara West over at Little Minds at Work. We began using some of her reading, writing, and phonics units this year. We absolutely LOVE them! Her units are so easy to follow, and they are age appropriate! It is exactly what our students need! If you haven't ever used any of her things, go check out her blog and TPT store! We guarantee you will find something you cannot live without!