Thursday, January 14, 2016

Two Hoots and A Holler: Our Start to the New Year

We are back!! Boy, we had a wonderful Christmas Break! We spent some time with family and friends,and we spent a lot of time laughing and making memories! 
We hope yours was just as enjoyable!
Last week, our letter of focus was the letter C. On Fun Friday, we read "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake." 
Then we followed our reading with this cute activity!
 The frosting is made of shaving cream, glue, and food coloring.  The students got to choose the topping that they wanted on their cupcake.

We also made caterpillar's from the letter C.  
The children had a blast make these crafts! 

Hoot #2 
It has been all about Winter here in the Delta! Believe it or not, we have had the weirdest weather this season! We actually wore flip flops over Christmas break! This was the first week that students needed to wear winter coats! So we set off to explore anything that had to do with snow!
Mrs. Jamie's class did a little writing with their tear art snowmen.
Ms. Jodi's class did these cute kids catching snowflakes on their tongues. Check out that hair!!!!
Mrs. Jodi's class did a directed drawing of this cute snowman.
They did a really good job on these drawings, and they were so proud to see them hanging in the hallway for all to see.  

This Week's Holler...
This week's holler goes out to Ciera Harris at Adventures of Room 129. Ciera is a Reading Specialist who we got to meet at the Nashville Teacher Meetup this past summer. We love that she is a looping teacher.  We have looped in the past, and we thought that it was one of the best learning experiences as educators ever!  This really gave us an insight to all the needs of 1st grade.  It definitely made us stronger Kinder teachers.  We also love the her idea for her (almost) paperless reading circles.  
Check out her blog and read all about it!
Adventures of Room 129

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