Friday, January 30, 2015

Writing Gone Wild

Hey Kinder Krazies! We have really taken off in our writing!  My kinders seem so eager to write and share.  I usually do my writing lesson in the afternoon as we try to relax and finish out the day.  After I finish my mini lesson, the students get their folders and head off to wherever they feel comfortable to write.  It may be a table, the floor, the reading loft, or the back porch.  It really doesn't matter to me as long as they write the entire time.  This gives me time to walk around to students to conference with them about their writing.  There has even been times that I have told them that time is up and that we need to move on to other things, and they have begged to continue just a few more minutes!  I was so proud!  Can't wait to share more exciting news with you next week!   Have a great weekend!
               Leslie is using the word wall that I printed and put on the back of their writing folder.  I thought that this would make it easier for students to find words that may be causing them trouble.

This is our newest Jitterbug, Charles.  We are so happy that he is with us.  He is such a hard worker.
Usually my rule is no talking during writing time, but in this case, I let it slide.  Another child was asking this child's, "What am I missing in my story?"  Although I appreciated that they were staying on topic and were giving good advice to their friend, I told them that we can discuss that when we return to the carpet.  This will make another great mini lesson!

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